Cities-Kingston-Upon-Hull- Day 2, Afternoon about 3ish, Part 4.

Tiredness had struck us but we still had things on the Hulliday list to fulfil, like The Streetlife Museum and their exhibition about cats. It was very nice in there with lots to see and it smelled nice and oily.

Thomas Sheppard- A very important man- Read HERE.

After 5 minutes of holding the lever, it decided I was modest. I took my hand off in the end.

The Fabulous Felines exhibition was great, and it focused on the work of Violet Roberts who was a musical theatre performer and postcard artist in Hull. I liked that her postcards 'feature comic, fashionably dressed cats.' I had seen these postcards before, but I never knew who they were by and now I do and so do you.

Amy Johnson - read HERE all about her and about A Moth for Amy that are dotted around Hull. We saw three and they were most exciting. You can download the moth map HERE.

Next stop was The Hull and East Riding Museum. This is Malcolm, we are going steady.

By now we were failing at our list. We needed to eat, my feet needed corn plasters and we probably needed the toilet, but we just weren't sure if we should. We consulted our oracle and found that we needed to be on the other side of town in a place called The Fruit Market....

CitiesEmma Graney