Cities-Kingston-Upon-Hull-Day 2, Early Afternoon 2, Part 3.

Following on from the Maritime Museum we looked at things like this.

We entered Queens Gardens and when you type it into Google, this comes up,

'Queen's Gardens is a sequence of gardens in the centre of Kingston upon Hull. They are set out within a 9.75-acre (4 ha) area that until 1930 was filled with the waters of Queen's Dock. As the dock was not fully filled in, the gardens are largely below the level of the surrounding streets.'

Well fancy that.

This was peculiar and we couldn't work out what it was at first. Looking for more information about it, I found this- It's the Hull 2017 logo but only half a H, so the reflection makes the rest. Well flipping heck.

First mural excitement of the day came from Robert Adams, untitled concrete 1958/1959. 

The 20th Century Society says-

'Commissioned in the late 1950's, the panels were designed by Robert Adams (1917-84) and represent the only example of English modernist sculpture in Hull. They are also one of the few examples of the artist’s work in Britain. The mural forms a feature within Queen’s Gardens, and was part of a commission that also included six carved stone panels by Kenneth Carter, then a lecturer at Hull College of Art'

It could do with a wash, and I will do it for free as it is so special. Call me.

This was also peculiar, I thought it was something off a ship at first but after trying to find out more this happened.

Queens Gardens drinking fountain.

'A large circular sculptured table featuring several individual push-button drinking fountains is still located in the north-east corner of the gardens, and dates from the c.1960 refurbishment of the gardens, although it has not worked for many years.'

The excitement became almost too much, once we turned to see Hull College designed by Frederick Gibberds & Associates. A complete beauty.

But it wasn't over yet as there was something else, so big and exciting I needed to reapply my lip balm and fast.

The William Wilberforce monument was very grand, but I was too close obviously and only had my little lens, so here is the bottom of it. Read more about it HERE and HERE and HERE.

Cue, The Ferrero Rocher music. William Mitchell goodness.

There isn't that much about this sculpture, it is definitely a Mitchell and shows a protractor and some tools, scissors and pliers, but I do not know its name or date. I'm glad I saw it anyway. I felt special.

After a small comfort break and pamphlet collecting, we decided to head off to the museums in the Old Town. Here are some things that we saw on the way. 

It had stopped raining by this point but we so wished we had packed our easy peel satsumas for strength.

CitiesEmma Graney