Cities-Kingston-Upon-Hull-Day 2, Walking, Evenings, Resting and Flood Barriers Part 5.

It was starting to become apparent on the incredible journey to the Fruit Market that resting is important. We tried our best to keep chipper, but we were falling into the hungry, maybe getting a bit tired, need my earmuffs, shoes are hurting, too many leaflets in the bags- insert other things in the bags that we didn't need to carry. 'It’s fine though as we can eat there Sarah!' I spoke. Still with hope in our hearts that Sarah Lucas would be there for us to see, we continued through the very clean streets and saw these things. 

We were drifting and becoming lost, we were overwhelmed and needed a shortcut and we chose a very nice one at that. You can read all about Hepworth Arcade HERE

I especially like this part,

'Joseph Hepworth took the first steps towards building his dream arcade in 1888.'  

and this bit.

'The original intention to name it Victoria Arcade in honour of the reigning monarch had, by then, been dropped by Hepworth in favour of naming it after himself.'

A dream arcade of ones very own.

In the distance after crossing over, we had arrived at the Fruit Market (quarter). They said change is happening, we believed them, we had come here special, we had come to see Sarah Lucas.

We checked our dates -check, we consulted our map- correct and we viewed the timetable -present, however through the windy street we found that it was very quiet. Where was everybody? We looked at The Female Gaze exhibition window, right place and we wanted to see it. We tried the door, it was closed.

Oh look, we wanted to see this- closed- (However upon checking it had moved to a new location back where we had originally started from at 10am that morning, so closed.)

It is OK though as these oranges are nice and the Humber Street Gallery is here, and we can eat first and see Power in Woman and Sarah Lucas. Stop going on about it, we eat and look.

I would like to tell you that we saw the Sarah Lucas sculptures, the one big thing that we were excited about seeing and one of the main reasons we visited. I would like to say that we spent hours in there and laughed and pointed at things all the time thinking yes, this is very good, THIS IS IT!

What I can tell you is that we went inside and looked at the menu, we ordered halloumi wraps and a cup of well-deserved tea. Sarah asked about the exhibition that was on and where about it was and like a bolt of lightning, we were told it had been taken away. Just gone. As if Grotbags had flown in, clicked her fingers and turned it into dust. Just gone. 

We repeated these words throughout eating our wraps which were swallowed whole in temper. Just gone. We gathered our thoughts and tried to smile but we couldn't. I didn't smile again until I thought about what I was going to have for my tea later, but it took a lot of doing to make that happen.

Just gone. 

We left and we felt flouncy and cross. Everybody had gone, just like Sarah Lucas. Just gone. The only light in this terribly dark tunnel came from a man with a 21st birthday balloon. He had decided to come out on his birthday, have a nice tea, wander round the fruit market and probably wanted to see Sarah Lucas but as it was gone, he kept walking. On closer inspection it seemed he had done what we have all done at some point, new shoes without socks. His poor heels were a mess and we wanted to help, offer plasters but they were all gone. 

Deflated and not sure of our facial expressions we decided to seek solace back at Lenny's. We saw The Deep which we realise now we should have visited instead to avoid the earlier events but I'm trying to gloss over it as it is just too emotional. In fact, no I am right pissed off about it and I want a turtle teddy and a pencil and to see the stingrays. Oooh I tell you.

The Hull flood barrier calmed us with its beauty and guided us back to Lenny with feelings of 'not wanting it to be spoilt but...'

Back at Lenny's we sat and plotted but then ended up sitting until teatime. Here are some nice out of Lenny's window pictures- The two tall poles in the distance are part of the Humber Bridge.

If you look closely next to the church on the left, you can see coloured lights. This is called 'I Wish to Communicate with You' by Italian artist Silvio Palladino

Here are some words about it from The Goodwin Trust.

‘I Wish to Communicate with You, is an ambitious mass participation project engaging local residents in a major art installation. Over the upcoming weeks Thornton Estate will get a full colour makeover with the majority of the 600 residents, living in 240 homes, across the five high-rise tower blocks participating in this large-scale light installation.

Tinted filters will be fitted in the communal lighting areas and coloured sheets will be stuck in the windowpanes of each property. As darkness falls a collage of colour will be created across the estate, free for all to view.'

Ideally, we should have gone to see it properly but once spotted out the window and looking at our comfort wear and cardigans we decided we had seen it, so it was OK.

We ate a big proper tea of fish, chips and peas in Lenny's and waddled back upstairs for Inspector Frost and rest. Until the morning came of our departure day, we planned our last few activities to be completed and tried to unset our faces. PS- Inspector Frost wasn't on.

CitiesEmma Graney