Churches-St Mary Magdalene, Tortington, West Sussex.

A tiny road with a farm at the end brought me to St Mary Magdalene Church and what a lovely church it is.

As soon as you walk through the gate you can hear crickets chirruping, buzzards screeching above and lots and lots of bees. I mainly visit these churches to nose around the graveyards as being quite undisturbed you get the best chance of finding a wildflower you haven’t yet seen.

Inside is beautiful and quiet and it has a very snazzy 12th century font. The stained-glass windows glisten in the sun and the tiled floor is art.

As it was only a quick visit my best bits are- The outside weather worn door, excellent windows and I think I found a Chicken of the woods fungi. It was very big.

The church is looked after by the Churches Conservation Trust, and you can go HERE to see more of what they do. HERE to visit St Marys in PDF format and HERE to learn about the church’s history.

ChurchesEdgeland Observer