Botanical-Tatton Park Flower Show 2018-Cheshire.

Originally posted on Letterloves in July 2018, but it got lost in time. I like the pictures and it was a nice day so I am putting it here.

Original post said;

The Tatton Park Flower Show. It is a staple of my yearly activities and I need to go in case I see Monty. I saw lots of things, obtained a free travel blanket, found 22p and I learned all about Picasso’s Guernica painting from a very enthusiastic 10 year old in the school gardens.

I ate two ham baps that had become warm and two melted Kit Kats. I also realised that the underneath of my sandals have become so thin with six years of three monthly sun wear, that it is probably time to Sellotape myself a new sole. Here are all of my pictures of the many precious sights I saw.’