Observations- Sunday to Friday-10th-15th July.

Sunday 10th July to Friday 15th July 2022.

Sunday- Collected a lot of litter on my walk, including, three vape pens for my battery box, a screwdriver, 15 beer cans and two glass bottles. One written love note. Lots of crows cawing in the church. Big Fox visited for supper at 12.30am.

Monday-On my break, I shared my cheese sandwich with a blackbird and a robin. Inspected the canal bank and found meadowsweet and water forget-me-not. Cleared up two old tins of spam from the fishing club. I think they had been magnet fished. Checked the ants nest in the back garden, it is getting bigger. Big Fox visited for supper at 01:15am.

Tuesday- Himalayan Balsam is in full bloom by the railway bridge, full of bees. Saw a small tortoiseshell butterfly on the buddleia by the embankment. two small cabbage whites and a brimstone moth resting on honeysuckle. Watered the back garden. The giant worms that disappear fast back into their holes are now happy. Too fast to photograph. Big Fox came for supper at 01:00am.

Wednesday- It is Flying ant day, but no flying ant day here. Three bats dance outside my window at around 10pm. I am guessing they are pipistrelles. I need a bat meter. Buck moon rose and it was very yellow. Didn’t see any foxes.

Thursday- Six crows visited the front garden. They like suet and cat food. Goldfinch shouted at me from the telephone lines. I allowed it as its song even in anger was beautiful. Saw some good graffiti. Five minutes of rain. A different small fox came , who was very spooked and scatty. They dropped their dinner so I collected it and put it under the tree for safety.

Friday- A loose sign flew out into the road and rolled past the car like The Enormous Pancake. I pulled over safe to check and it was from a circus back in April. The bad litter patch has been picked and put into bags by the side of the road. I think I have competition. Big fox came and the smaller one and an even smaller one with her. I am hoping they are her cubs. They don’t like cherry pie.