Forests-Eartham Wood-West Sussex.

A Roman road that passes through a wood you say? Well, yes I will go and see it!

Following all instructions that are freely given, so that I too can walk on this road and pretend and imagine sadly led to me turning right instead of left in the car park. It specifically said left and due to my excitement I did not listen or read any of the freely given further instructions.

Never mind though as I think I saw it on the distant horizon and woods are good. (I didn’t see it.)

Eartham Wood is situated down a lot of country roads. It appears by the way of a sign and in you go. I have since read that their are proper walks around it, that everybody turns left and eventually gets to or starts from a pub. I did neither but I saw some excellent fungi and got attacked by hailstones.

I will revisit in the Summer and maybe I will take on board this information HERE so I actually do see the road, the pub and the signpost.

ForestsEdgeland Observer