Walks- Stay Alert- Drive to Fiddlers Ferry.

As we are allowed to go outside a bit more now, I did a very Sunday older persons thing of ‘keeping the battery going’ in the car. I felt weird driving as I didn’t think I should be. I felt even weirder keeping on driving when I knew I shouldn’t be, even though you can. I didn’t like it much and the roads were busy, so I took myself to see my beloved Fiddlers Ferry.

Even though it is just a humble power station, it is my power station. The one where I can see the chimney lit up red from the top of the road. The one that you see on the horizon driving over the Barton Bridge and the one you see when times maybe a bit bad and you catch a glimpse of its majestic towers, especially in winter when it is cold and sunny and the steam hangs high in the air.

The design and the size of the place is what I like best. I also like how it is a landmark for miles on the right day. It is right that it has been decommissioned but I will miss the towers and their weird significance once they are gone.

On this trip I took pictures out of the car window and then I felt sad as I couldn’t go for a walk around properly due to lots of people not being 2 meters apart. I then missed out on a super blue bordered road sign, blocked by a truck so all in all the trip was ruined.

More ruined thoughts came up on the drive home as I never got to go on the tour inside the power station or collect any special leaflets. However in my old suitcase I have a lot of pictures of it, you know art college stuff, slides and negatives. I will show you sometime. Every cloud.

Go HERE to see where I went and HERE to learn more about Fiddlers Ferry.

Fiddlers Ferry
Fiddlers Ferry
Fiddlers Ferry
Fiddlers Ferry
Fiddlers Ferry
Fiddlers Ferry