Walks- Government Approved Exercise Walk No.1

Strange times, strange walks. I ventured out on my first government approved exercise walk today and I decided to look at all of the things I have wanted to look at for while. I didn't go any further than my street, the road alongside, the graveyard and then a bit round the corner. Safety.

Electricity Box No.1

I like electricity boxes. Some are very ornate and have special doors. This one is 1970's and when I was kid it was known as the 'danger box'. You could hide round it at one point and that was always good for games of manhunt. I think they put the fences up about 10 years ago and I was sad but had to remember that you no longer play manhunt, it is very odd to be hiding or even running around an electricity box and to behave myself as you are nearly 40.

Gas box. I like the concrete indents and the very big A.

I haven't the room for a magnolia in my garden so I take pictures of all the ones i see out and about. This was a joy to see and as the blossoms only last for about two weeks it was nice to catch it still in action.

Electricity box No.2. This has been here over 1000 years at least. I remember from being little that it used to have green doors on it.

Wild Garlic, which I have left for emergencies.

All in all a nice small walk for government approved exercise. It is nice to know that you still can go out for a walk in these weird times and it also gives me an excuse to look around my local and immediate area for a change. I haven't done that in a long time so I will.  

Safety first, no more than an hour and stay where I can see you.

WalksEmma Graney