Public Art- Ugo Rondinone- Liverpool Mountain.

On the way back into town to catch the train, I quickly visited the Liverpool Mountain. It is very bright and big and I liked it. 

TATE says- ''Liverpool Mountain is Swiss-artists Ugo Rondinone first public artwork in the UK and the first of its kind in Europe. Inspired by naturally occurring Hoodoos (spires or pyramids of rock) and the art of meditative rock balancing, this 10-metre high sculpture stands within Mermaid Courtyard, outside Tate Liverpool on the Royal Albert Dock. It consists of coloured rocks, stacked vertically which seem to defy gravity.

This outdoor sculpture marks the 10th anniversary of Liverpool European Capital of Culture, the 20th anniversary of Liverpool Biennial and the 30th anniversary of Tate Liverpool.

Commissioned by Liverpool Biennial and Tate Liverpool as part of the Liverpool 2018 events programme with support from Royal Albert Dock Liverpool.''

Go HERE to read more. 

"Public sculpture is where you can reach people, and that is what art should do… to reach people and touch people. It gives you the kind of optimism that we need in this time"
