Walks- Manchester- Withy Grove/Various.

October was quite nice really. I looked at a lot of stuff, went down south and even went to Basingstoke. It wasn’t as advertised.

Here is a nice shop sign I saw on the way back to the train from an earlier day spent in Stockport. I am still building up the brass to go in there and ask for that yellow box sign but I doubt it is ever going to be for sale. I would like a bit of hard cash for my old books and magazines. I have a couple of old copies of Prima and some knitting books so I may revisit and ask about the sign after all.

The peculiar world of Withy Grove Stores. This has been here for at least 1000 years and I remember walking down past it as a kid back to Victoria station and wondering what was in there and what it sold. However if you go HERE you can read all about the shop and find that it is very much alive and well.

On a walk down to the post office followed by a stop off at Morrisons, I took pictures of all the things I have wanted to take pictures of over the years but have been far too lazy to stop the car and get out to do so.

One of the oldest railway bridges in England. Once was part of the Runcorn Gap Railway. I saw a train go under it once when I was a kid and it papped its horn and I was very impressed. This bridge does however crop up in recurring dreams I sometimes have where there are lots of bridges all built upon each other with gardens attached. I think this could be too much Gardeners World on a Friday night.

Go HERE to learn more about the railway, HERE to see the bridge in the olden days and HERE to see the bridge far away on some old pictures.

WalksEmma Graney