Forests- The New Forest-Hampshire.

I don't know much about the New Forest except what I imagined it to be like. In my mind I thought it would look like this;

Aaah, Eric Winter knows it, but it wasn't like this picture, it was better than this picture but I didn't see a giant hare.

Dan and I were originally on our way to Calshot Castle but then realised it had closed for winter. Never mind, we followed the directions and got lost but this was ok as we drove into a world of gorse, horses, pine cones and people going about their dog walking business as if this place was completely normal.

Actual real life horse but far away. I've been about and seen things but I honestly have never seen such a place as this and that people live there and there is a special garden and a car museum. It is wonderful.

Still perplexed, we carried on our journey and got lost again and ended up at beach with a hill, a shop and a view to the Isle of Wight. Lovely Lepe it was called. Not actually its real name but it was lovely and it is called Lepe.

Nan's and granddads sat in cars with flasks and ate Garibaldi biscuits and cheese sandwiches. I wanted a cheese sandwich and a Garibaldi biscuit but we needed to press on before sun down.

After making calculations on how we could ever afford to live in all of the places we had so far seen, I mean that green thing on the hill would do, we drove on to find Calshot as we had come this far we might as well.

Excitement at seeing Grouse frightened both myself and them and shouting 'ARE YOU A PARTRIDGE?' means I am not cut out for such country living if I couldn't identify the fauna. Further reading and they are Grouse.

Just when we thought our day couldn't get any better the beautiful sight of Fawley Power Station filled our eyes. I looked up more things about it and I was astounded to find out that the control building was used in the film Rollerball. Jonathan Jonathan!! It has closed down now so it will probably be all gone the next time I get there. Such precious times.

ForestsEmma Graney