Towns- A Gentle Hornsea holiday- Part 2- Bridlington.

After a very varied and disturbed sleep including the sound of toilets flushing and the incessant 6am next door neighbour conversation we pulled our weary bodies out of our holiday beds and without brushing teeth we arrived for breakfast. 

With the dulcet tones of Chris Rea playing whilst we dipped big pieces of toast in our eggs we got ourselves together, then did our faces and set off for what we were told was the biggest midweek car boot in East Yorkshire.  

I wanted to be able to show you this event, talk about the treats and treasures we found, the car boot plastic cups of tea, the jollity and catalogue posed laughing but as we missed the turning or rather there was no turning for the biggest car boot in East Yorkshire we will gloss over it and never speak of this lost hour again. 

With hope in our hearts and full bellies of egg we eventually arrived in Bridlington. I hadn’t been to Bridlington for many years and even then on a family holiday I think we drove through it on the way to somewhere else.  

We treated it as where we now lived and entered the RSPCA charity shop to be met with this. 

We saw saw lots of small dogs and sausage roll shops and then we entered a wonderful shop which I have forgotten the name of which sold things like this. 

Gradually fading and aware that we had only an hour left on the car park machine we stumbled into town and came across a market. This market had giant fleece throws hung up with tiger faces on but I cared not as I had spotted the most beautiful sign in all of the world.

Running, in fact flying back to the car to re-apply and bolster the parking machine we got a grip and headed back to Boyes as we knew this was going to be at least three hours of various shopping and looking at things. We said things like  'Museum' 'Is this the Mothership Boyes?' 'This is the greatest day of my/our lives!'. We headed upstairs for food as we had started to get delirious.

We saw these things on the way;

We spotted the museum but couldn't find the strength to go. We instead looked at the wonderful assortment of puddings in the panoramic café.

After a near melt down on whether to have a big plate of pie or fish and chips we had excellent potatoes and rested and remembered how far we had come in such a short time. After a hair brush and a coat taking off session we went into the museum where a man was working at his desk. 

Back down on the shop floor we sprayed Chantelle on to our wrists and lived liked queens buying glitter nail polish and hair rollers for a pound.

After the three hours that we had promised ourselves was up we ventured out into the light and walked down to the harbour.

The Gansey Girl sculpture- click HERE to learn more about her.

After a very big day we retired with our Boyes purchases back to our Hornsea home. We went for a Chinese tea and got confused but it was all ok in the end.

Bridlington scores 10/10 for Mothership Boyes, excellent penny slots and seagull friends.

TownsEmma Graney