Towns- A Gentle Hornsea Holiday-Part 1.

Hornsea is a seaside town on the East Coast of England. East Riding of Yorkshire to be precise. Following on from our journey to Hull back in March and purveyors of the 8 hour holiday and mini breaks or bust, Sarah and I decided to spend two nights in Hornsea and day trip around the coast, eat and play some slots.  

First things first again omitting the M60 to Oldham and all of it’s upset we arrived at the Beachside Bed and Breakfast which was lovely and cosy with sea views and Breakaway biscuits. After a quick cup of tea and a small sit we were ready for food, beach, slots and pocket snacks.  

We fell into Sullivans and had fish, chips and mushy peas and a pot of tea. No peas for Sarah. This was needed and I am sorry to all the other fish and chipperies I have eaten in over the years but these were the BEST mushy peas I have ever had in my life. 

After a very big day and a very big tea we retired to The Beachside and watched Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares, ate popcorn and made an action list for Wednesdays proceedings.

So far Hornsea scores = 9/10.

TownsEmma Graney