Glasshouses- Williamson Park Butterfly House-Lancaster.

You can see the top of the Ashton Memorial from the M6 motorway, and I always thought as a kid on the way up to the lakes it was somebody's house. Further reading now I am older says that it isn't a house, but it does have views, a park and a butterfly house so obviously this is where I am meant to be. 

After a walk up the biggest hill in the world I was greeted with the smell of cake. As it was getting on a bit, I had no time for cake, so I got straight on into the butterfly house. 

A little bit from the website.

'The former Palm House resembles a tropical rain forest with flowers, trees, vines, foliage and colourful butterflies.'

I like to judge palm houses with how quickly my glasses steam up. 10 seconds and completely foggy. 10/10.

Favourite things- Two very shiny blue butterflies having a nice time rolling around with each other. I heard a lady say to her daughter that 'they were just playing'-Just playing for information. Terrapin friends sitting on each other, impressive palms and lots of big green leaves, chrysalis cabinet with a brand-new butterfly drying off special.

Visit their website HERE

BotanicalEmma Graney